Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Kerry Reveals Moon is a Governmental Conspiracy

Kerry expands on his "We need to go to the moon right here on Earth" speech, as a call to Americans to "wake up and realize that NASA never went to the moon; it was all staged at an old U.S. army base. In fact, the moon itself is nothing more than a helium-filled dirigible that circles the globe at an altitude of 3 miles."To support his claims that the moon landings, and indeed the moon itself are merely government hoaxes, Kerry pointed out numerous Internet web sites that go into the evidence and specifics regarding the moon hoax.

NASA scientists and astronauts are up in arms in reaction to Kerry's suggestions that the United States has never placed a man on the moon. Even Russian cosmonauts and Chinese taikonaut Col. Yang Liwei firmly agree that NASA did place men on the moon several times, and that the evidence strongly supports this. "Baseless accusations from an American Democrat cannot overshadow the fact that America was first to place men on the moon," Liwei stated. "Soon China will reach the moon itself, with it's flag planted proudly on the satellite's surface."

Kerry, seemingly unfazed by the mountains of evidence suggesting he's wrong, continued with his accusations on the campaign trail Tuesday. "The moon on Earth must be the goal for this generation," Kerry preached at a stop in northern Georgia. Kerry would not speak with reporters, telling them to review his campaign literature for more details.