Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Government Energy test goes horribly wrong

Are we safe or did we merely bury our doom?

Outside Area 51, Nevada – Government experiments in the field of alien technology took a severe toll as a large portion of the secret Area 51 base had to be evacuated and then destroyed. Government scientists were working on duplicating the energy source the aliens use for their interstellar travel, when suddenly something went terribly wrong. The engine somehow caused a tear in the very fabric or reality and something came through. Confronted by something they could not understand nor contain the government scientists called in the military, but all they could do was hold it at bay while they evacuated the area and detonated the self-destruct unit, hopefully burying their mistakes in the Nevada desert.

“The creature was massive…it was well over eight feet in height, possibly as tall as ten feet,” said one scientist who had been fired due to this dreadful failure. “It was roughly man shaped, but it wasn’t really substantial…it was like a dark cloud…black, but you could see through it you know? It had horns, but they were just as insubstantial as the rest of him…if you can rightly call it a him. The only thing that wasn’t like a black swirling man-shaped cloud were his eyes…they were red…deep red, the looked almost like molten rock or steel. We were lucky the room was stainless steel it kept him contained a bit…he doesn’t like the touch of metal you see.”

At this point “The Darkman” as the scientists on hand have dubbed him began to advance on the nearest scientist to him, and then merely touched him.

“He just started screaming…it ate his very life force, and his soul. He just kind of withered away into nothing. It was hard just watching it. We pulled the alarm at that point and got the hell out of there.”

The military was unsure how to proceed in battling the Darkman. After a few soldiers were killed they discovered they could force him to retreat if they just continually shot him. The Darkman withdrew in the face of the onslaught of hot lead, as he apparently hates the touch of metal. Army forces soon discovered that they had no way to kill the creature. The steel and lead discomforted the Darkman, but did not really injure it. That is when the President was forced to authorize the self-destruction of a section of the base.

“The President was not to pleased with this situation to say the least. None of his top scientists could give him an answer if this would kill the creature and seal the tear,” said a Senior White House Aid. “The President wanted to send in some of our Undead to hold it at bay, can’t kill what’s dead, while we came up with a better plan, but his scientists advised against it saying it was unlikely they would be able to come up with a better solution.”

Members of the scientific community have a wide ranging opinions on the subject of whether the rift is sealed and the beast destroyed.

“I think we’ve seen the last of this thing…with nothing to feed on down there it will slowly waste away into nothingness,” said a scientist from Purdue University.

“We have no idea what this creature is capable of, nor do we really know what caused the rift…for all we know we may have sealed our own doom,” said another from Iowa State University.

Rebuilding of the destroyed section of the Area 51 base began today as crews attempted to restore the base to some semblance of order so the reverse engineering of alien technology could continue as soon as possible.