Petropavlovsk, Russia - Many people in this port city are wondering what the future holds for native son, Ivan Ivanolov. This would not be unusual except for the fact that Ivanolov is eight foot ten inches in height, three hundred fifty-nine pounds and only sixteen years eleven months of age. While those dimensions are staggering they do nothing to excite NBA scouts as much as his sheer athleticism. The only problem with Ivan? His mysterious past.
Ivan was born on June 24th, 1986 that much is known. However all other records including the names and identities of his parents as well as their location were sealed by the Soviet Union and have not been declassified by the new Russian Republic. A seemingly friendly scientist, Petrov Ivanolov, who formerly worked on secret projects for the Soviet Union during the 70's and 80's at the Petropavlovsk Labs of the Workers and Laborers of the Soviet Union, raised Ivan and his adopted father claimed to know nothing about his origins. Petrov died of severe cancer December 9th of 2002 taking any secrets he was still holding to the grave with him. With his adopted fathers past well known and it also being well known that his specialty was in genetic manipulation it has widely been thought that Ivan was created at the labs by Dr. Ivanolov and other scientists.
"He was always big for his age, he was four and half feet tall at three years of age. This would alarm most parents, but all Dr. Ivanolov did was praise him and make him follow an intensive workout regime. If anything he seemed disappointed when Ivan didn't reach eight feet in height by the sixth grade," said a neighbor who agreed speak to Byzantine News. "Petrov always seemed to think everyone around him was spies for the United States as well...he was very strange to say the least."
"If Ivan Ivanolov isn't the product of some Soviet experiment to create the perfect soldier I'll be shocked," said another neighbor.
Ivan began playing the game of basketball as part of his radical workout regime designed by Dr. Ivanolov. Some have felt that he should have been playing on the national team since he hit seven feet of height back in 6th grade. Ivan who was dubbed "Big Red" by his teammates has improved by leaps and bounds combining size, strength and bulk with the off the charts athleticism of NBA stars like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Tracy McGrady.
"When I heard of him I thought it was a big joke, like the Tahiti Mermaid or something like that, but this kid is as real as it gets," said one NBA Scout. "He will dominate the game of basketball like no other. He'll be more dominant than Wilt [Chamberlain], win more titles than Bill [Russell], and will have more fans than Michael [Jordan]. Book it right now this kid is a star."
Another thing that has wowed scouts is his amazing ability to overcome injuries and to heal at amazing rates. In a recent game Ivan fell breaking his leg in two places, one a compound fracture. He was brought to the back on a stretcher, but returned to the game in the second half with not a single scratch, nor any sign at all of the gruesome injury.
"I'd trade anything for a chance at this kid," said one Eastern Conference General Manager. "The kid isn't just big and athletic, but because he's big for so long and he's been playing for so long he has the skills around the hoop of a veteran."
Ivan reportedly has not ruled out entering the NBA Draft as soon as next year as he will be eligible through a loophole created by Dark Milicic this past season due to the fact that he will be eighteen on draft night. Ivan has also not ruled out coming over to the United States and playing one year of college ball. The big man reportedly has been contacted and offered scholarships by Kansas, North Carolina, Duke, UCLA, and Marquette.
"If I play college ball it will most likely be at UCLA or Marquette," said Ivan. "Both coaches were very nice to me. Nicer than anyone I have ever known."
Most NBA scouts believe he is merely toying with the idea of going to college as a possible way to gain leverage over whatever NBA team selects him.