At the request of Peter Gellerman, attorney representing mattress seller Sit 'n Sleep, this story has been removed.Admittedly, the story, which I still believe was satire, was pretty harsh on Sit 'n Sleep. Maybe I should have made up a company and slogan, rather than pick on that of Sit 'n Sleep, which is a respectable firm, who I even myself purchased a mattress through (if I remember correctly, I can check the receipt later), even though I really did detest the radio ads they used to air. My purpose in writing the story was to amuse, not to slander the company (although I will still hold to my thought that the slogan is silly -- wouldn't it be cheaper for them to beat a competitor's price than to give away a free mattress? But a free mattress does sound better...anyhow).
Anyway, rather than summon the full legal force of Peter Gellerman upon myself, I've caved to his insistence that the story be taken down. Whether I was legally required to do so will not be determined, as I can't afford to meet Mr Gellerman in court -- maybe the story was ok legally, maybe it crossed a line that it shouldn't have. But hey, it was nice talking with you Gellerman! Let me know if this meets with your approval (call know my number).