...Literally. Exclusive photograph of John Kerry engaged in bedroom shenanigans with several well known news anchors. (back row: John Kerry, Dan Rather. front row: Ted Koppel, Barbara Walters).Curiously, neither ABC News (employer of Walters, Koppel) or CBS News (employer of Dan Rather) ran stories on the evening news about the incident. NBC and Fox headlined their evening newscasts with the story.
John Kerry was adamant in his response. "I did not have sex with that woman," Kerry said, and refused to answer further questions, leaving reporters wondering just what happened with the two male news anchors and the aging Walters.
Democrats insist that anything that happened in that bedroom should have no currency in voter's determination of whether or not to vote for Kerry. "If anything at all happened in that bedroom," one prominent Democratic leader announced, "it was a consensual act between the four people in that room, and in no way represents any illegal activities in most jurisdictions."
Republicans were surprised -- surprised such a photo hadn't surfaced far earlier than now. Polls show that most Americans already feel that the media has a liberal bias, and has been sleeping with the Democrats, at least figuratively. Now we know it's a much more intimate relationship than that.