Sacramento, CA - The California Legislature today approved SB 66, the MARVIN Act, Mexican Authority Relocate Voting Interests Now. MARVIN, if signed by Governor Schwarzenegger, will transfer all state government authority to Mexico City. This bill was a response the UCLA study, released yesterday, which recommended voting rights for non-citizens. Stated one legislator: "Why stop at letting non-citizens vote? Why not just hand over all political power to their home country?"Governor Schwarzenegger has responded cautiously to the MARVIN Act, which would effectively end his term as Governor, as well as the terms of every elected official in the state.
"This Act will help to provide a more equitable situation for California's non-citizen population, this is true," Schwarzenegger said at a press conference. "We want to help them; I want to be a champion for fairness and equality and all those sorts of things. But I need time to review this new law, and make sure that it is best for me, and for all Californians."
Republicans in the California legislature have thrown in the towel. "People elected these wacko Democrats to public office to represent them," Senator Tom McClintock told reporters. "Let them deal with the crap these legislators spew out. Screw you guys, I'm leaving the country."
McClintock's sentiments were echoed by numerous California Republicans, many of whom had indeed booked flights out of the state, or out of the country.